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Channel: #Team-Elite
Channel: Clan EwR
@ USEast
Channel: #Team-Elite
Channel: Clan EwR
@ USEast
New Emnet Focus!
Submitted by {EwR}WaR^KoG on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 17:40Evening San Diego.. lol
I just want to start by saying sorry for the unorganizedness right now on Emnet. We need to direct our focus right now on TG|{, kW, XiP and our ~EwR~. I will be redoing these assignments. If you have 0ms, please direct them accordingly. I would like to see home protected better. I still dont know excatly who has what so please let me know, As this will help me better place my assignments. contact me via PM, AIM , Bnet, Emnet.
Stay Classy San Diego